How to Start Blogging in 2023 and Earn $1000 per Month


Do you also want to start blogging?

Want to know more about how to start blog?

If you are wondering how to create a blog then you are at the right place. Here we will explain you how to create a blog in an easy way. Earn money online from internet through blogging

What is a blog?

Blog is such a simple website in which you can write anything you like and Blogging means to convey your ideas and information to others through the digital medium, you can also earn from blogging, if you are thinking of making money by creating your own blog. To become a blogger you should know some things, if you want to make your own blog and earn money, So you can also create your own blog by following the steps given below. 

Why start Blog? 

• Share your ideas with the world. 
• Promote a product or service. 
• Earn Revenue

How to start blog in 2023 easy step

1. Select a profitable Niche

2. Select the domain name

3. Choosing the best hosting

4. Choose a blogging platform

     a. Blogger.

     b. WordPress

5. Choose your blog’s theme.

6. Compose attractive use friendly Blog Content        

7 Promote your blog.

1. Select a profitable Niche: 

      Profitable niches are those that have a large scale of audience, Your website's success is determined by a profitable niche. However, finding a profitable niche is not an easy task. To find the right niche, you must conduct extensive research. When your niche isn't solid, you won't make any progress in the long  run.

      1.1  How to Select a Profitable Niche

When selecting a niche, avoid broad ideas such as making money. There are plenty of bogs available on the market, so if you create on this type of topic, it will be very difficult to compete with the market. Rather than, narrow your idea and try to get the right Niche. I'll explain how to find a profitable niche in this section. These techniques are extremely basic and straightforward. You can find a Profitable Niche with the help of this. 

These techniques are as follows:

a. Find the Niche Related to your Passion

Before deciding on a niche, you should be aware of your passion, or the level of interest at which you can write indefinitely. If you conduct the experiment based on your interests, you will undoubtedly make progress in that work. That is why you should concentrate on your passion, in which field you excel, for example, digital marketing, sports, technology, and so on.

b. Check the Niche Trend

Following that, you must concentrate on the pattern of your Niche. In which you must consider and analyze both the past and future patterns of that specialty. What was the previous trend, how is it running now, and how will it run in the future? There are specific platforms where you can check the topic's current trend and data from the previous year.
Google Trends is a platform that allows you to look at past and present patterns on a point-by-point and country-by-country basis.

c. Analyze the Websites of Competitors Related to Niche

When choosing a niche, you must first conduct research to determine how many bloggers are writing about the same subject in the market, the level of competition, and the number of competitors. This Methods helps to analyze your competitors' websites and learn about their keywords and traffic patterns.

2. Select the domain name

Choosing a suitable domain name is a big decision. The second step in starting a profitable blog is to choose an easy-to-remember domain name. The visitor will see your domain name, which has an impact on SEO.
A good domain name identifies your brand's image and value, so take the time to find the right domain that is easy to remember and pronounce.

Here are a few quick suggestions for you on how to choose the perfect domain name.

a. Keep your domain name short- Whenever you are planning to buy a domain from any platform, the   most important part is to get a fancy and short domain name that matches your brand.

b. Use simple sounds and easy words- while creating a domain name please try to pick easy to type        and easy to remember. For that you need to analyze a lot to get the best domain name.

c. Avoid numbers and hyphens - The common mistake many people are doing while choosing a domain name that incorporates either numbers or dashes. Whenever you choose a domain, do not use such symbols and hyphens as @, #, $, -&,$, it is not beneficial for your ranking. try to avoid that when you select any domain.

d. Take dot .com or country specific domain. Nowadays, you can choose a better domain extension, such, .in, .co, .org, .net, or any country-specific extension. My advice to all new bloggers is to try to obtain domain.

3.Choosing the best hosting

Today, there are numerous platforms available in the market from which you can obtain your best hosting plan; however, first understand what hosting is. Hosting is a platform from which you can publish your blog or any website. Web hosting is another online service that makes your website content available on the Internet. When you purchase a hosting plan, you are storing all of the website's files and data and making it accessible to the public via the internet.

a. How Does Web Hosting Work?

The server hosting your website is a physical computer that runs continuously to make the site available to visitors at all times. Buying servers for web hosting will allow you to store all your website data on those servers of your provider.

 When a user enters your domain name into their browser's address bar, the web host's server will transfer all of the files required to load your website.

b. Types of Web Hosting Services


  • Shared Hosting
  • Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting
  • Cloud Hosting
  • WordPress Hosting

4. Choose a blogging platform

With the help of blogging platforms, people can easily connect with others who have similar interests, share their thoughts and ideas with the world, and encourage a free exchange of ideas. As strong blogs can reach a wide audience and develop a devoted following, these platforms can also be effective tools for marketing and branding.

Here are the two top blogging platforms on the market today.

      a. Blogger

     b. WordPress

using these two platform you can create your blog and publish it, blogger is a free platform provided by google and WordPress id a paid platform, if you are a beginner try with blogger here can we use the free sub domain also. if you want to go with the larger then select the WordPress with best hosting. plan.

    5. Choose your blog’s theme.

Once your blog is up and running, you'll want to give it a distinct look and feel.

Even though they are all hosted on WordPress, have you noticed how unique each blog looks and feels? Due to WordPress Themes, this website was created.

The look and feel of your website determines how visitors interact with it, how your blog is perceived, and how your brand is felt. For this reason, you must select a premium WordPress theme.

6. Compose attractive use friendly Blog Content  

Now the time is to set up your own blog with your won thoughts for the upcoming readers. Therefore, you need to create content to show your reader, your content can give an idea of what your reader can expect from your content or blog's first posts on the topic you intend to write about.
your first blog can be  devide in two part

1. The basic and though essential pages
2.The selling content (posts)

7.Promote Your Blog

The initial phase of starting your blog is one of the most fun and exciting parts of your journey to promote your blog.

How to Promote Your Blog

Repurpose your content.
Build links to your site.
Create a UTM link to track marketing campaigns.
Share your blog on social media.
Answer questions on Quora.